Pueblos ind?genas de Norteam?rica (Native Peoples of North America)
Pueblos ind?genas de Norteam?rica (Native Peoples of North America)
Before the birth of the United States, North America
was populated by diverse groups of people. From those who fished the coasts of
the Pacific Northwest to the buffalo hunters of the Great Plains, these cultures
were rich and well established. In this series, readers are introduced to the
many groups of Native peoples living in major regions of North America before
European settlement. Each region is defined, and readers learn how each impacted
those living in that area. Historic images and fact boxes add even more detail
about the specific peoples discussed.
? Introduces lesser-known Native
? Truthfully relates history of Native peoples to that of the
settlement of the United States and Canada
? Encourages consideration for
other cultures? ways of life